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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Reviews, inspiration and the like.

So hopefully everyone can read this font?  
Anyway, I  promised a review, so here it.  Sorry It's been so long without a post, I will keep the blog alive, i just need to advertise it, get a billion actors to jump on board with this acing forum!
P.s - A huge thanks to Jeremy for his previous comment, that is exactly what I'm trying to do with this blog, so thanks for the excellent advice and for helping keep the dream alive!
SO,  -unusually for me - I had the pleasure of watching two (yes TWO) movies in two weeks!
The first was the fighter.  Now, I'm not usually one to get into fighting movies, and I generally don't condone that type of sport ( call it the pacifist in me, or the fact I secretly want to be able to box but would be terrible at it).....  But..... The Fighter is not about fighting.  It's about family, dreams, relationships, drug addiction and loss.  Christian Bale was brilliant and deserves every inch of his golden Oscar.  His portrayal of a crack addict (and from the real footage I've seen) was perfect in his portrayal of Dicky Ward.  He brought life to a role others may have swum in audacious self pity in. Bale also - like many of the other films he has done (lets not talk about the dark knight......) wasn't adraid to throw himself in at the deep end and give the role his all.  He brought humanity and dignity to Dicky, even though you were never really on his side, you felt you understood him, and always wanted him to succeed.
Mark Wahlberg, Melissa Leo and  Amy Adams were all also brilliant, although I so feel this was Bales movie at the end of the day..... Wahlberg however had the softness of a brother living under his more famous, previously successful brother, and the hunger of someone who has never tasted success of his own.  The movie draws you in in such a way that by the time the 'fighting' starts, you have forgotten it is a movie about boxing, and you are clinging to you seat not because of Wahlberg dripping blood, but because every  thing has led you to want him to win so badly and for so many reasons.  

I also had the pleasure of seeing 127 hours - with a baby I might add who was infatuated with the screen the whole time!
I've always been a huge fan of Danny Boyle, 28 days later is one of my all time favourites, and I even love Shallow Grave - which I'm sure none of you have seen, but you should check it out purely for Ewan McGregors excellent performance.  127 Hours was done superbly, Franco was brilliant, and for a movie that primarily had to rely on visuals and music, there was never a moment where you were thinking 'how much longer to go'.  The set up was just enough to get you involved straight away without becoming so involved that when he was trapped you felt you were thinking about the previous scenes.  Boyle certainly nailed the claustrophobia of the situation, you felt you were there with Franco - also helped by Franco's brilliant ability to be 'in' the moment, to make you feel you really were watching a man trapped but who you couldn't help.  Franco didn't overdo it though, you weren't watching a blubbering mess waiting for someone to help, you watched a man fight, use his brain, his humour and his strengh to come to the decision of cutting his arm off!  This was done in such a precise and stunning way that even my non squeamish heart was uncomfortable in my seat - but ib the best way possible, because you were right there with him.  Its a shame that 127 hours had such tough competition at the Oscars, because it certainly deserved more recognition.  

So, I've been warbling for what seems like a century!  
If any one has a question to put to the acting forum, please ask it, and let the discussions begin :)


  1. Hey Meg....
    I agree with The Fighter totally...havent seen 127 Hours yet....WHY did u tell us he cuts his arm of! argh spoiler alert lol...
    Well, I look forward to reading the rest...

  2. Babe, its based on a true story - everyone knows thats what happens! It's the journey that makes it great :)
    P.s, thanks for reading my blog :)
