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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Hi again!
I convinced four of  you to read my blog!  That deserves a celebration, if I didn't have class in a few hours, I'd pop the champagne ;)
So I spent all day doing class work, tidying my house and making a meal out of pretty bare cupboards.  Yet I still feel unproductive. I'm about to leave for rehearsal before class, I need coffee before I do anything I just realised... So I thought I'd just add something to this blog before it becomes something else I start and never finish!  Does any body else have the problem of feeling very lazy on a rainy day?  I'd be happy if class was cancelled and I could stay in and watch x-files re-runs with a nice cup of tea? No, class isn't canceled, and I bet Meryl Streep never took a rainy day off to watch the x-files. So off to class I go, to perform my little heart out, to learn more pearls of wisdom, to say 'daaarrrhhhhling' a lot and generally be an acting student ;)
Oh I almost forgot I promised a joke.............
Heres a quote from Eddie Izzard :)

    “So the American government lied to the Native Americans for many, many years, and then President Clinton lied about a relationship, and everyone was surprised! A little naïve, I feel!”

1 comment:

  1. Just read all your posts meg, love the concept, keep it up. X

    Maha Wilson
