So today's blog is all about what the title suggests. Just do it. Not only that, SHUT UP and just do it. So often I hear people (myself included) make excuses for themselves. 'I couldn't Learn my lines I had a thing to do', 'I just don't think I'd ever get cast for this role', 'I'm too busy', 'I'm tired/hungry/poor/distracted. Well guess what.
You will never achieve your goals if you are constantly making excuses and shying away from really needs to be done. Just do it. And if you don't do it - own that you didn't do it. Stand up to yourself and say 'I didn't do it because I didn't manage my time properly' or 'I didn't prioritise well enough'. Or something equally effective and sounding like something straight out of a self help book minus the 'cheese'. Because funnily enough, the minute you start owning your mistakes or the things you wish you'd done differently, is the minute you see a way to accomplish what you recently didn't. Or even better, endeavour to not make that mistake again.
The reason for this current sway into motivational speaker is my own recent development of excuse-making. Why am I making these excuses? Because I'm scared of failure and success all at once. Sound familiar? I make these excuses because sometimes it's easier to blame the bus than admit the fact you could of walked.
P.S - now I have a brand new shiny Mac so there is no longer my excuse for 'my computer is crap so I couldn't write my blog'. xoxoxox